Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Should your business start accepting cryptocurrency? Also in the news: 5 features to look for in a personal loan, how the labor shortage could benefit your job hunt, and where to stash your down payment if you’re waiting for the housing market to crash.

Should Your Business Start Accepting Cryptocurrency?
While crypto can be easily adopted by e-commerce businesses, it’s less suited for traditional retail settings.

5 Features to Look For in a Personal Loan
When choosing between multiple low-rate personal loan offers, compare features like discounts and customer service.

Upgrade Your Job: How the Labor Shortage May Benefit You
As employers struggle to fill vacancies in many sectors, it’s a great time to consider changing jobs.

Where to Stash Your Down Payment If You’re Waiting for the Housing Market to Crash
When shopping for a new home, keep your down payment in a low-risk savings account.

Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Make your money more exciting by keeping it boring. Also in the news: A new episode of the Smart Money podcast on finding a new job and rent vs. buy in a new city, 7 ways to make more confident COVID-Era business decisions, and why you might finally qualify for student loan forgiveness.

Make Your Money More Exciting — By Keeping It Boring
Growing your net worth doesn’t have to be a thrill ride. Boring money management allows you to live your life while your nest egg grows in the background.

Smart Money Podcast: Finding a New Job and Rent vs. Buy in a New City
Getting what you want out of a new job.

7 Ways to Make More Confident COVID-Era Business Decisions
Here’s how to make COVID-era decisions with less anxiety.

You Might Finally Qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness
New Public Service Loan Forgiveness rules mean hundreds of thousands of borrowers could have their loans forgiven faster than expected.

Friday’s need-to-know money news

download (1)Today’s top story: How to tell when credit card rewards are actually worth it. Also in the news: Big changes ahead for your 401(k), using your job hunting expenses as tax deductions, and how to determine if a charity is worth your hard earned money.

5 Times Credit Card Rewards Are Worth It
When credit cards rewards truly pay off.

5 Future 401(k) Changes You Need to Keep an Eye On
Big changes are ahead.

Writing Off Your Job Hunting Expenses
Your job search expenses could be tax deductible.

How to Pick a Charity
Making sure your money goes where its needed.

5 Unconventional Ways To Use Your Accounts
Could your 401(k) be used to purchase your new home?