Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Finding your tax refund. Also in the news: How long you should keep your tax records, when to pay for ‘free’ shipping, and 7 steps towards financial literacy for your kids.

Where’s My Tax Refund?
Tracking down your refund.

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records?
What to keep and what to toss.

When to Pay for ‘Free’ Shipping
When “free” is worth the cost.

7 Steps Toward Financial Literacy For Your Children
It’s never too early for them to learn.

Investment fees could leave you old and broke

You want to save as much as possible for retirement. The financial services industry wants to make as much money off you as it can.

That thorny conflict is at the heart of the battle over what is known as the “fiduciary rule.” If implemented, it would require financial advisers to put clients’ best interests first when counseling them about retirement savings. In practice, it typically would prevent financial pros from steering you into a high-cost investment if similar low-cost choices are available.

The differences in fees — often fractions of a percent — may sound minuscule.

Over time, though, higher fees can dramatically reduce the amount of money that investors accumulate for retirement, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission and other investor watchdogs, and significantly increase the chances that savers will run out of money late in life.

In my latest for the Associated Press, how to save money for retirement without making the financial services industry even richer.

Quiz: How’s Your Financial Health?

How’s your financial health? NerdWallet’s eight question quiz can help you find out–and point you to ways to improve it. Start here:


Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: April 18th isn’t just the tax-filing deadline. Also in the news: Why so many credit cards are from Delaware, how to file a tax extension online, and lowering your tax bill with IRA contributions.

April 18 Isn’t Just the Tax-Filing Deadline
Other items to add to your to-do list.

Why So Many Credit Cards Are From Delaware
The answer may surprise you.

How to File a Tax Extension Online
Don’t delay when you need more time.

Reminder: You Have Until Tomorrow to Lower Your Tax Bill With IRA Contributions

Thursday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Only 1 in 10 Americans are at Peak Financial Health. Also in the news: How to dodge stock market scams, when a tax refund means bankruptcy, and millennial parents face the reality of baby costs.

Only 1 in 10 Americans at Peak Financial Health
Where Americans are falling short.

How to Dodge Stock Market Scams
Protecting your investments.

When a Tax Refund Means Bankruptcy
Using a refund as a budget tool or a chance at a fresh start.

Millennial parents face the reality of baby costs
Babies are both adorable and expensive.

Wednesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: How to save like a superhero. Also in the news: The best way to pay for your next flight, the big mistake one-third of credit card holders are making, and warnings about Amazon third-party accounts.

Save Like a Superhero: Roth IRAs and 529 Plans
Superpowered savings.

Cash or Points? The Best Way to Pay for Your Next Flight
NerdWallet’s 2017 Travel Card Study

The big mistake one-third of credit card holders are making
Stop wasting your rewards.

Beware Hacked Amazon Third-Party Accounts
Watch where you shop.

Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: What student loan borrowers need to know about the Navient lawsuit. Also in the news: 5 ways to avoid blowing your tax refund, how to prepare financially for a baby, and spreading your tax refund across multiple accounts.

Navient Lawsuit: What Student Loan Borrowers Need to Know
Navient is facing three lawsuits.

5 Ways to Avoid Blowing Your Tax Refund
Using it wisely.

Baby on the way? Here’s how to prepare financially
Preparing for parenthood.

The IRS Will Split Your Tax Refund for You
Spread your refund across multiple accounts.

Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: These 4 tax bills can surprise, but you can be ready. Also in news: Can’t pay your taxes? Here are 6 ways to cope. Why stay-at-home spouses should buy life insurance, and how to avoid blowing your tax refund.

These 4 Tax Bills Can Surprise, but You Can Be Ready
Be prepared.

Can’t Pay Your Taxes? Here Are 6 Ways to Cope
Don’t panic.

Why Stay-at-Home Spouses Should Buy Life Insurance
Guidlines for the right policy.

5 ways to avoid blowing your tax refund
Spending it wisely.

Are you financially healthy?

Traditional financial literacy efforts haven’t been a rousing success. Research from Harvard Business School shows that even Americans who are taught personal finance in school don’t seem to save more or manage credit better than anyone else.

That’s why many experts concerned about Americans’ money habits — including regulators such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and financial think tanks such as the Center for Financial Services Innovation — are promoting the concept of financial health.

In my latest for the Associated Press, what you can do to improve your financial health.

Friday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: How credit use affects credit scores. Also in the news: Starting a business if you have student debt, how one couple crushed their debt, and how budgeting doesn’t have to suck if you make it a habit.

Virtual People, Real Lessons: How Card Use Affects Credit Score
Meet Cora Condo and Rebuilding Robert.

Ask Brianna: Can I Start a Business if I Have Student Debt?
Can you be your own boss?

This Couple Crushed Their Debt
How you can do it, too.

Budgeting Doesn’t Have to Suck If You Think of It As a Habit Rather Than a Task
Getting into a groove.