Q&A: Explaining required minimum distributions

Dear Liz: When my wife reached age 59½, we initiated required minimum distributions for all of her retirement funds. During the process, the investment company representative stated that as long as she was still working and contributing to her 401(k) and 403(b) at work, she was not required to take RMDs for those accounts. With all the changes lately in those types of accounts, is that still the case, or has the law changed?

Answer: Minimum distributions have never been required at age 59½ from any retirement fund. That’s the age at which people no longer have to pay penalties for accessing their retirement funds, not the age at which they must start taking money out.

The current age at which retired minimum distributions must begin is 73, and it rises to 75 for people born in 1960 and later. If your wife is still working at that point, she can put off RMDs from the retirement plans sponsored by her current employer. RMDs will still be required on other retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s or 403(b)s from a previous employer. The other RMD exception is for Roth accounts, which don’t have RMDs for the account owner.

Generally you want money to stay in tax-deferred retirement accounts as long as possible. Unnecessary distributions just increase your tax bill and can reduce the amount you have to live on later in life.

If your wife has already taken a distribution, she has 60 days to roll it over into an IRA and avoid taxation.

Tax law can be confusing and mistakes can be expensive. Please use this experience as a reason to hire a good tax pro who can answer your questions and ensure you don’t make another potentially expensive misstep.

Smart steps to take when helping your grandchildren financially

In his early 20s, Chris Chen’s nephew dreamed of becoming a professional photographer, but to pursue that dream, he needed equipment that cost over $5,000. His nephew worked hard to save $1,500, then his maternal grandmother provided an additional $750. Chen, a certified financial planner in Newton, Massachusetts, covered the rest.

“It helped him understand the value of money,” Chen says of his nephew, who now earns his living as a photographer.

Grandparents — and other family members — often have the best intentions when it comes to helping their grandchildren financially, but experts say they don’t always know how best to do so and can accidentally hurt their own finances along the way.

In Kimberly Palmer’s latest for the Seattle Times, learn smart steps to take when helping your grandchildren financially.

This week’s money news

This week’s top story: December mortgage rate forecast. In other news: 2024 housing trends, 5 steps to creating financial boundaries during the holidays, and how to make a liberal arts degree count.

December Mortgage Rate Forecast: Falling and Heading Lower
Mortgage rates are likely to slip a bit lower in December as inflation cools.

2024 Housing Trends: Lower Rates, Lower Rents, More Affordability
The housing market could be a little friendlier to home buyers and renters in 2024.

5 Steps to Creating Financial Boundaries During the Holidays
Establishing parameters for your money this season can set you up for financial success in 2024.

No STEM Major, No Problem: How to Make a Liberal Arts Degree Count
A liberal arts degree can help you land a great job, too — as long as you plan ahead.

Q&A: Transferring a house to heirs

Dear Liz: We are updating our estate plan to account for the transferral of our home to our six children when we die. The home currently has a large mortgage balance on it. We would prefer that it not have to go through probate, and that any outstanding mortgage balance would not be immediately due. I know there are various options for the transferral, all with pros and cons. Do you have any recommended best practices for our situation?

Answer: Yes. Discuss the situation with an experienced estate planning attorney, who can give you personalized advice. Estate planning can get complicated fast, and expert guidance is typically worth the cost.

Your attorney probably will suggest creating a living trust to avoid probate, the court process for settling an estate. Another way to avoid probate in many states is a transfer-on-death deed. The deed can be a solution for smaller estates, but the trust allows you to transfer other assets in addition to your home, provides for the administration of your estate and helps you plan for incapacity, as well.

You probably don’t need to worry about your lender immediately calling in your loan. Your mortgage may include a clause that technically makes the full balance due if the home is sold or transferred. While the estate is being settled, though, inheritors typically are protected from these clauses by state and federal law as long as payments continue to be made. Your attorney can provide more details on the protections in your state.

With a living trust, your successor trustee will be able to access other funds in the trust to make the payments while the estate is being settled, said Jennifer Sawday, an estate planning attorney in Long Beach. With a transfer-on-death deed, the heirs would be responsible for making the payments.

Inheritors often can assume a mortgage, but having six people own one house would be unwieldy, at best. Most probably, the best solution would be to have the estate continue to make the mortgage payments until the home is sold.

Q&A: Why debt settlement companies are the wrong way to deal with high credit card debt

Dear Liz: Finance companies claim if you owe too much credit card debt that by law you need not pay it all back, but can retire some or most of this debt. They say this is not a credit card debt reduction program through balance transfers or debt consolidation loans. It sounds more like a faux semi-bankruptcy declaration. Are you familiar with these programs? They sound too good to be true.

Answer: Most likely you’re seeing advertisements for debt settlement companies. With debt settlement, the debtor stops making payments on their credit card debt, hoping that the issuers eventually will settle for less than what is owed. Results aren’t guaranteed and the process often takes a few years.

As you might expect, not making payments can lead to significant credit score damage as well as creditor lawsuits. In addition, any amounts that are forgiven in this process may be considered taxable income to the debtor. You’ll also pay fees to the debt settlement company if you hire one to handle these negotiations. The fees and taxes can significantly offset any savings achieved through the process.

Most people who struggle with credit card debt would be better off filing bankruptcy or using a credit counseling service’s debt management program.

Debt management programs enable people to pay off what they owe over three to five years, typically at reduced interest rates. Bankruptcy, meanwhile, allows credit card debt to be legally erased without triggering a tax bill. The most common form of bankruptcy, Chapter 7, usually takes just a few months, after which people can begin rebuilding their credit.

Q&A: Survivor benefits for estranged spouse

Dear Liz: My dad recently passed away. He was technically married, however his wife kicked him out of their home three years prior to his passing, making him homeless. Is she eligible to receive Social Security survivor benefits?

Answer: Social Security doesn’t try to gauge how married a couple was. As long as they were legally wed, she could be eligible for a survivor benefit.

This week’s money news

This week’s top story: How to set good money examples for kids. In other news: Cyber Monday sales, 5 credit card rewards pitfalls to avoid this holiday season, how NYC crackdown on Airbnb, Vrbo-style rentals affects travelers.

How to Set Good Money Examples for Kids
Your money-related actions and conversations can model positive behaviors for kids, from toddlers to teenagers.

Skipped Black Friday? Today’s Cyber Monday Sales Offer Second Chance
NerdWallet monitored prices on 10 popular products at Amazon, Target and Walmart during every major sale period of 2023.

5 Credit Card Rewards Pitfalls to Avoid This Holiday Season
All credit card points and the possible ways to redeem them aren’t created equal. Here’s what to avoid to get the best value.

How NYC Crackdown on Airbnb, Vrbo-Style Rentals Affects Travelers
New York City travelers look for alternative lodging options now that restrictions on short-term rentals are being enforced.

Companies’ deceptive ‘dark patterns’ online cost you money — here’s how to fight back

See if any of this sounds familiar:

● You can’t find an easy way to cancel an unwanted subscription, so you let it continue for another month — telling yourself you’ll try again later.

● You feel rushed into an online purchase you regret, but there’s no option to undo the transaction or demand a refund.

● You want to read an article or shop at a store online, but you’re bombarded with pop-up requests for your data. There’s no easy option for saying no, so you click “allow” just to get the annoying pop-up out of the way.

These are just a few examples of “dark patterns” — intentionally deceptive designs that companies use to steer people into making choices that aren’t in the consumers’ best interest.

Dark patterns may sound like a feature of sketchy websites, but these manipulative practices are a common way mainstream companies dupe people into sacrificing their privacy or paying for stuff they don’t really want. In my latest for ABC News, learn how to fight back companies’ deceptive ‘dark patterns.’

Q&A: Roth IRAs and taxes

Dear Liz: I sold some stocks from a Roth IRA to pay for some bad debts. Is this going to count as taxable income for this year?

Answer: You can always withdraw the amount you contributed to a Roth IRA without owing income taxes or penalties. For example, if you withdrew $10,000 but your contributions over the years totaled $10,000 or more, then you didn’t incur taxes or penalties.

You also won’t have tax issues if you withdrew more than your contributions but are 59½ and have had the account for at least five years. If you’re old enough but haven’t had the account long enough, you’ll pay income taxes but not penalties on the part of the withdrawal that exceeded your contributions — in other words, on the earnings.

If you’re under 59½, you could be subject to taxes and penalties on any earnings you withdrew. Please consult a tax pro for details.

Q&A: What happens to joint credit cards after your spouse dies?

Dear Liz: My husband died last year and we have three credit cards in his name with me as authorized user. When applying for new credit, do I still use his name or my name now? And should I remove his name and put my name only on all accounts?

Answer: You’ll apply for new credit in your own name, using your own credit history and income. If your credit cards are joint accounts, you can simply ask the issuers to remove your husband’s name.

Here’s the thing, though: Few credit cards these days are joint accounts. Typically there is a primary cardholder and an authorized user. When the primary cardholder dies, credit card issuers usually close the account, often within a few weeks.

Issuers normally find out about the death from the person settling the estate or from the Social Security Administration. Social Security, in its turn, usually learns about the death from the funeral home or from the person settling the estate.

It’s possible there has simply been an oversight, but you’ll want to make sure your husband’s death has been properly reported to Social Security and his creditors. If you are an authorized user rather than a joint account holder, you may find the card issuers will work with you to get replacement cards although you may have to settle for a smaller credit limit if your income has dropped (which is unfortunately a common situation for survivors).