Wednesday’s need-to-know money news

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailToday’s top story: Credit score companies ordered to pay millions in refunds. Also in the news: How the Trump presidency will impact housing, how to refresh your finances in the new year, and how to become an extreme saver in 2017.

Credit Score Companies Must Refund $17.7 Million to Customers
Could you have a refund on the way?

How the Trump Presidency Will Impact Housing in 2017
A glimpse into the future.

Ask Brianna: How Can I Refresh My Finances for the New Year?

How to Become an Extreme Saver in 2017
Every penny counts.

Friday’s need-to-know money news

iStock_000087400741_SmallToday’s top story: Why to avoid financial planning over the holidays. Also in the news: What President Trump will mean for mortgage rates, things banks and credit unions do that you don’t know about, and how waiting for Black Friday deals can really pay off.

Why to Avoid Financial Planning Over the Holidays
Don’t add stress on top of stress.

What the Trump Effect Means for Mortgage Rates Next Year and 5 Years From Now
What will happen to your mortgage under President Trump.

4 Things Banks and Credit Unions Do You Might Not Know About
Be informed.

Turns Out, You Really Can Save Big on Black Friday
Some deals are worth waiting for.