Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: What to do with those savings bonds you received as a kid. Also in the news: Teaching your kids about personal finance, tips on becoming debt free in 2014, and when you can finally say goodbye to the old debt lingering on your credit report. Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail

What to Do With a Childhood Savings Bond
Is it time to cash in every child’s least favorite gift?

Kids and Money: New online sites help manage personal finances
Teaching kids about personal finance doesn’t have to be a chore.

5 Tips for Becoming Debt Free in 2014
Make this the year you vanquish your debt.

When does old debt fall off credit report?
Saying goodbye to that old credit card from seven years ago.

Don’t Be a Victim of Fraud: 9 Simple Ways to Protect Your Financial Data
Keeping your data safe from exploitation.

Wednesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: The key factors to getting the lowest mortgage rate. Also in the news: Personal finance trends for 2014, how to make teaching your kids about money fun, and what you can do to make good financial decisions all day long. girlcoins

The Most Important Factors to Getting the Lowest Mortgage Rate
Your credit score is key.

5 personal finance trends to expect in 2014
Mortgage rates will begin to slowly increase.

Making Financial Literacy Fun
Teaching your kids about money doesn’t have to be torture.

5 Ways to Make Good Money Choices All Day Long
Daily reminders can be a big help.

10 money lessons from elderly Americans
Advice from those who have seen it all.

Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: What a poor credit score can cost you. Also in the news: The worst money moves for the new year, how to cut next year’s expenses, and tips to get tax season started off on the right foot. Tax refund

What a poor credit rating is costing you
Your job prospects could be at risk.

10 worst money moves for the new year
What NOT to do in 2014.

14 Ways to Slash Your Expenses in the New Year
Do you really still need a landline?

7 unbeatable tax tips for year’s end
April 15th will be here before you know it.

Kids and Money: Advice for mastering finances in 2014
How to teach your kids to spend and save smartly in the coming year.

Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Saving money while expecting a baby. Also in the news: How to finance your closing costs, teaching your kids about money, and financial tips for adults going back to school.

9 Ways to Save Money When You’re Expecting a Baby
One for every month!

How to Finance Your Mortgage Closing Costs
Little known ways to absorb your closing costs.

5 ways to teach kids about money that work
Letting them make mistakes can be a valuable lesson.

Financial tips for adults returning to college
FAFSA’s aren’t just for kids.

Financial Frenemies: Who Makes You Overspend?
When friends can be bad influences on your wallet.

Thursday’s need-to-know money news

Child and cashWhat to do when your adult kids ask for money, the bad side of credit card cash advances, and how the debt ceiling debacle could hit your wallet.

How to Handle Loan Request From Adult Kids
Carefully maneuvering a potential minefield.

4 Dangers of Credit Card Cash Advances
The fees alone should make you think twice.

Here’s How You’ll Make and Save Money in the Future
Are Bitcoins and crowdfunding the wave of the future?

You Can Raise Secure Kids Even in This Financially Insecure Time
Preparing your kids for what lies ahead.

4 Ways a Debt Ceiling Crisis Could Affect You
How the debate in Washington could have a serious affect on your personal finances.

Thursday’s need-to-know money news

School Kids DiversityWhy joint accounts aren’t always a good thing, how to raise financially savvy kids, and the psychology behind overspending.

4 Ways Joint Accounts Can Ruin Your Credit
Sharing isn’t always a good thing.

7 Personal Finance Tools Every Kid Should Have
Starting your kids off on the right financial foot.

ABCs of Obamacare: a glossary for consumers
Become familiar with the Affordable Care Act.

How to Know You’re Ready for Retirement
Preparing for one of life’s biggest transitions.

3 Reasons You Overspend
What makes us spend the way that we do?