Dear Liz: I’ve read that after age 65, health savings account money can be spent on anything. Your recent column said it could be spent only on medical expenses. Which is true?
Answer: At age 65, there is no longer a penalty if you spend HSA money on something other than qualifying medical expenses. Those withdrawals will be subject to income tax, however, so you’d be losing one of your HSA’s three tax breaks (deductions on contributions, tax-deferred growth and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses).
You don’t have to have incurred the medical expenses in the same year you spend the money for the withdrawals to be tax-free, however. Savvy HSA owners keep records of any out-of-pocket medical expenses that weren’t reimbursed by insurance, flexible savings accounts or other means. As long as the unreimbursed expenses were incurred after the HSA was established, they can be used to justify tax-free withdrawals years or even decades in the future.