Today’s top story: How to manage your credit cards while traveling abroad. Also in the news: The biggest financial mistakes each generation makes, tax mistakes you need to avoid, and how to protect your bank account from being looted by cyber criminals.
5 Credit Card Tips for Traveling Abroad
Don’t get hit with heavy fees.
3 biggest financial mistakes made by each generation
Which one is yours?
9 Tax Mistakes You Should Never Make
Simple errors that could end up costing a lot.
5 Ways to Keep Your Bank Account From Being Looted
Protecting your money.
I just read MoneyTalkNews with Stacy Johnson. He listed about 6 painless ways to reduce your mortgage payments. I found two ways that is doable on the homeowners part, and could be used in any financial situation. One way if your monthly payments is about $932, is to round off to maybe $970 to $1000. Another way is to pay the $932 and two weeks later in the month, pay 1/12 of that payment. These two items would shave off money and time. I would have first round off the payment to $970 and pay 1/12 of that payment two weeks later. Both of these items are offered (if they do) my banks or mortgage lenders, yet they will attach a fee to this type of services, which is actually free. One can do this on there own, without penalty. If then after some time, one can ask for a 15 year fixed rate refinance. In all case mention above, there is a 30 year fixed rate of about 3.92 or smaller if one has a stellar credit. I would like to use this method on a Habitat For Humanity Home with a Municipal Credit Union , and a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) for first time home owners.