Today’s top story: Apps that encourage you to spend. Also in the news: Advice for weaning your grown kids off your credit cards, why some people don’t mind overpaying the IRS, and how to protect yourself from falling interest rates.
These Types of Apps Could Prompt Impromptu Spending
You don’t need extra help spending money.
Advice for weaning your grown kids off your credit cards
Time to cut them loose.
Here’s why these people don’t mind overpaying the IRS
Yes, you read that correctly.
How to Protect Your Savings From Falling Interest Rates
A few options.
Liz i only ownstocks and would like to establish an investment without downsize risk and returns monthly income. Please advise.
There’s no investment without risk — even FDIC-insured savings accounts have risk (inflation risk, which means the investment’s return doesn’t keep up with inflation so you lose buying power over time). Treasuries and high-quality corporate bonds offer income with a very low risk of losing principal. Here’s more: