Dear Liz: I was married for 10 years before divorcing. My second marriage also ended in divorce. I married for the third time and was widowed. I am collecting a survivor benefit. Am I also entitled to receive a benefit from my first marriage of 10 years? My first husband is still living.
Answer: Social Security is basically “either/or,” not “and.” If you qualify for two benefits, you typically get the larger check — not both.
Since you are currently unmarried, your ex is still living and your first marriage lasted 10 years, you may be eligible for a divorced spousal benefit. That can be up to 50% of your first husband’s benefit at his full retirement age.
You would only receive that benefit, however, if it were larger than the survivor benefit you’re currently receiving. Survivor benefits are up to 100% of the late worker’s check, so your first divorced spousal benefit would have to be substantially larger than what your late husband received to make a switch. You can call Social Security at (800) 772-1213 to inquire.