Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: What to do if your home insurer won’t renew your policy. Also in the news: A new episode of the SmartMoney podcast on job scams and maxing out a Roth IRA, how to hand mixed-income friendships, and student loan payments come back for real Feb. 1st.

What to Do If Your Home Insurer Won’t Renew Your Policy
Has a high-risk property left you without insurance coverage? You still have options.

Smart Money Podcast: Job Scams and Maxing Out a Roth IRA
How to spot job scams and how to avoid them.

How to Handle Mixed-Income Friendships
Empathy and realism are key.

Get Ready: Student Loan Payments Come Back for Real Feb. 1
Your financial situation should determine how you handle the final federal student loan extension.