My new book “Deal With Your Debt” will be released in a few days (you can order it here), and I need to make some room on the bookshelf. So I’m giving away five copies of my previous book, “The 10 Commandments of Money.”
To enter to win, leave a comment here on my blog (not my Facebook page).
Click on the tab above the post that says “comments.” Make sure to include your email address, which won’t show up with your comment, but I’ll be able to see it.
If you haven’t commented before, it may take a little while for your comment to show up since comments are moderated. But rest assured, it will.
The winners will be chosen at random Friday night. Over the weekend, please check your email (including your spam filter). If I don’t hear from a winner by noon Pacific time on Monday, his or her prize will be forfeited and I’ll pick another winner.
Also, check back here often for other giveaways.
The deadline to enter is midnight Pacific time on Friday. So–comment away!
Thank you for your insight into this field. I would like to win this book because I worry a lot about money, even though I am not in debt. Because I have been out of work a lot over the last few years (my industry in constantly in flux), I work very hard at saving and living frugally. I also took your suggestion and purchased “Pound Foolish”. I’m reading it now and I keep reading bits of it outloud to my boyfriend. It’s very important to me at 33 to make sure I am careful because I don’t even have access to a 401K, let alone a pension. I do wish you would go over what to do in that scenario, too!
Keep up the good work. Your advice is great!
Thanks to the web and PF authors like you, I’m in a good place with my finances. I’d love to win a copy of your book to gift to my sister and brother-in-law, who are working hard at getting their finances under control.
Congrats on the new book!
Congratulations on your new book!
congrat on your new book
I’m looking forward to reading your new book. I’m paying down my debt and always looking for new information to help me.
Looks like a great book!
I need to get control of money,
Let me win this book
Love your advice!
So glad you provide a positive role model – with the country and our leaders setting an example in poor spending habits and sending us all deeper and deeper into debt I hope your example will encourge everyone to take control of their debt and live within their means.
Best of luck with your new book.
I discovered the importance of being a good steward of one’s finances after encountering unknown credit issues in my early 20s. I have been reading your columns ever since. Thanks for always providing sound advice in a way that’s easy to act upon. Best of luck with your latest book!
Looking forward to the new book!! You advice is always right on!!
I’ve ready your column and your advice tips for years. I have been struggling for 10 years (post-college and grad) to get my debt under control. Thankfully, I’ve been gainfully employeed the whole time, living within my means but, still check-to-check seems really unfair for someone who really tried hard to be financially responsible. Education should not feel like shakles or indentured servititude. A copy of your book could finally be the tipping point for me getting ahead.
Appreciate your work. God knows we all need sound $ advice. Hmm, from the title of your next book, I hope someone in Washington D.C. will be reading it. I know I will.
I love following you on Facebook! These days sound financial advices are hard to come by, so I would love to win a copy of your new book!
I love your work, Liz. It is very insightful and helpful. I am in the process of transitioning out of a full-time job/career to help my husband run his business and spend more time with my family. Since I am giving up a guaranteed salary I will need your advice now even more than ever!
Great advice……we should all be educated on how to take care of our money from the time we start kindergarten….it should be part of the educational curriculum.
Thanks Liz for all the great information. I always enjoy the knowledge that you share.
I really love reading your books.
I’m looking forward to reading more on this topic.
Congrats on your new book. I hope I win a copy of this!!!!
I just took “The 10 Commandments of Money” out of the library earlier this month and flew through it! I would love to have a copy of my own.
Having dug my way out of the debt and now being on solid ground financially, I can tell you there is no greater feeling than to be debt-free, know I’m covered in an emergency, and on my way to retirement. Wish I had heeded the advise sooner, but if I made it, others can too. Thank you for the information you provide. Beyond value!
I wanna be free!!! Pick me please! 🙂
Thanks for all you do.
Thanks so much for all you do! As I strive to become debt free (mortgage, car note, student loan – zero cc debt) and teach my son about financial responsibility, I appreciate all you do. Your columns are easy to read, understand and explain!
I so enjoy your advise. We just made a move that was not planned and we got ourselves back into debt after I worked so hard to get out of it. I hope your book can give me some new ideas how to get out of debt quicker and how to remain out of debt forever.
Thanks for all of your wonderful advice! I look forward to your FB posts!
Congrats on your new book. I love your column!
I could sure use this book… It will help a lot of people .
please pick me! I love your books.
My teenage daughter sure could use this! I’m trying to teach her, but what does Mom know? 🙂
Congratulations on your continued success, Liz!
You are the best! Congrats on the new book. Pick me please as I REALLY need it:) Thank you for all of your insight and experience; you are truly inspirational.
Thanks for your down to earth insight that is spoken at a level for the rest of the nonfinancial/economic world. I remember your post several years ago about getting rid of a SUV as a commuter vehicle and followed it. I don’t agree 100% with everything right as everyone’s situation is different, but enjoy your advice and talk about them to my husband and more finance minded friends.
Congrats on your new book ! I could use a book that would give me some ideas on how to put a handle on my debt, help me to pay down this mortgage and save money to put towards our son’s tuition needs and our retirement.
I’m looking forward to getting some fresh ideas so I don’t “worry” about money so much.
My husband and I are working hard to clear our debt and begin to live a debt free life. I enjoy reading your articles and appreciate the help you give to so many people. Congratulations on your new book!
Love reading your blog and other articles! Congratulations on the book!
Love reading your blog. Great advice and very helpful.
Congratulations on your newest book!! I have enjoyed reading your thoughts since college!
Being a single mother of two girls, I am looking to get myself financially sound for my girls. I also want to teach them about money. I appreciate your insight.
Would love to gift this to my sister. She needs help!
Just starting to deal with my debt. Need all the help I can get.
Looking forward to your advice in the new book. Would love to add your last book to my library. Thanks.
Congratulations on your new book. You have taught me much. Would like to learn more from you.
Thanks so much for your valuable information, you share with all of us. Congrats on the new book.
Looking forward to the new book, congrats!
Would love to read this book! I follow you on Facebook.
I want to get out of debt. Newly wed!
Congratulations on the new book! I’ve always enjoyed your writing and I look forward to reading this one.
Your information you provide about dealing with debt and my finaances has helped me in all facets of life: grad school, motherhood and marriage!
I look forward to your new book and am excited at possibly winning this one from you! I enjoy your articles very much and find them so easy to understand and relate to.
Always enjoy reading your website
Congrats on your new book! Would love to get a copy. A topic we can never learn too much about
I sure hope I win the book. I have borrowed it from our library but I would like to have it for myself. I’m looking forward to your new book. You have been a great source of financial information.
I used your website in a business class I was taking. I thought it was a great example of an well designed, easy to navigate, site. You give useful financial information without being too technical for the general public. I got an “A” on the assignment. Thanks!
Hey Liz,
I enjoy your blog and all of your money articles. I am hoping to read one of your books soon, and it would be great to read a free copy. Thanks for the advice.
Hi your books are great easy to understand and read , I learned a lot of things from your books , how to read my fico score
I hope one day you can translate in SPANISH. THANK YOU LIZ.
I love your site and your answers to questions!
I have been following your articles for years and forwarding and haring them with others for years. You advice is so practical and just common sense which isn’t so common. Congratulations on the new book. I look forward to reading it.
Hi Liz! Love your blog. I’m always searching for new financial information, so this would be a great addition towards expanding on my current financial knowledge. Time to finish up Think Like a Billionaire, Become a Billionaire!
Can’t wait to read the new book!
Thanks so much for your perspective. I read your blog everyday and have already found your advice to be invaluable. Excited about the giveaway, but I’ll get the book if I don’t win! 🙂
I’m really interested in receiving a free copy of your book because I will be working on my credit very soon and i think this book will really help me.
Thanks for your continual good advice, I am interested to read your book to pursue a more stable financial scenario! Thanks.
Always glad to hear you have a new book out!
I love your articles and appearances on Marketplace Money. Your advice has been very helpful.
I appreciate your information and common sense!
I read your blogs and articles often. On behalf of myself and all of your followers I want to say thank you for years of positive research and honest outlooks.
F.L. Taylor
I like your info, sure this one will as good as the others. Love the advice you give, Mike
Liz- New to your blog but have always enjoyed reading
Some of the Money Articles you have written. Excited
To know about your blog. Look forward to reading some of your books too!
Haven’t quite achieved “debt free” yet, although I’ve been reading your column for many years. Always good advice and some good ideas that I can use.
Liz, I love your work, and really appreciate that you also understand the big picture of the economy and its effect on real people, such as increasing income inequality, etc. Thank you!
I have been following you for years on MSN and Facebook. You offer real advice for the everyday person that is realistic and doable. I share your site with friends and clients and I would love to be the recipient of your new book!
Congratulations on the new book! I enjoy hearing you on NPR as well as reading this blog–All the best to you.
Looks great! Can’t wait to read the new book. They all stand up to re-reading.
I really enjoy reading your blog and have found your advice to be very helpful! Congrats on your new book! I would love to have a copy of the old one for my library.
Thank you!
Congratulations on your new book! I love to read your articles.
I’d love a copy of “The 10 Commandments of Money”. When it comes to money, I am always ready to learn more.
Thank you for offering a book giveaway! I’m in my 20s, and I’m currently trying to pay off debt, build an emergency fund, and contribute to retirement. I would really appreciate and benefit from your advice 🙂
So excited for your new book! You have helped many of us, Thank you for all you’ve done. I will enjoy reading the book.
Congrats on your new book! I hope I win a copy!
Congrats on your new book!
I can’t wait for you to update each week. I love this website.
Your column is outstanding. I am 34 and I greatly appreciate your keen reminders to save for retirement.
great to see more books on this subject. the more the better, as long as they help improve lives of those that read them.
I would love to read your book and gain more financial insight. I just currently have your site bookmarked and I would like to learn more. More power!
hi liz when its your new book will be for sale
all you books are great
My first time commenting but I have been following and enjoying your advice via face book for a couple of years now.
Hi Liz,
You would think by the age of 47, I would have it all figured out. But I do not. I have had debt since I began my career and I am finally sliding to my inevitable financial demise, and most likely my 20 yr marriage with it. I would like to review your book/s and hopefully be able to turn around my financial “house” before its too far gone.