Today’s top story: Why you should love
Why You Should Love Robo-Advisors
Keeping costs low and advice honest.
Taxes in Retirement: 7 Ways to Trim Your Bill
Ideas that can reduce financial stress in retirement.
How Roth IRA Taxes Work
A good investment at tax time.
How to save for the future when it’s uncertain
Preparing for a variety of outcomes.
Tuesday’s need-to-know money news
Today’s top story: 5 empowering tips for women on Equal Pay Day. Also in the news: 5 smart ways to invest your tax refund, 7 ways to trim your taxes in retirement, and how changes to the ACA might affect your insurance premiums.
5 Empowering Tips for Women on Equal Pay Day
It’s time to bridge the gap.
5 Smart Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund
Putting it towards the future.
Taxes in Retirement: 7 Ways to Trim Your Bill
Making your retirement a little less stressful.
How Changes to the ACA Might Affect Your Insurance Premiums
Playing the waiting game.
Tuesday’s need-to-know money news
Today’s top story: Home affordability watch: the priciest and cheapest time zones. Also in the news: 5 things you don’t have to pay a tax preparer to do, cheap flights to Hawaii, and the 10 cities most prepared for retirement’s financial realities.
Home Affordability Watch: Priciest and Cheapest Time Zones
NerdWallet crunches the numbers.
5 Things You Don’t Have to Pay a Tax Preparer to Do
You can handle these on your own.
Say Aloha: Southwest Flights to Hawaii Are Now on Sale
Time for a vacation?
The 10 cities where seniors are the most prepared for retirement’s financial realities
Did yours make the list?
Q&A: Delaying Social Security
Dear Liz: In a recent column you mentioned Social Security’s delayed retirement credit, writing that someone’s benefit could grow 32% by delaying benefits for four years between ages 66 and 70. Four years’ worth of accrued 8% increases in Social Security result in a cumulative increase of 36%, not 32%. I would think any financial planner would understand compound growth.
Answer: Social Security’s delayed retirement credits don’t compound.
Now, you may feel a little silly for pointing out an error that wasn’t actually an error, especially because you could have found the correct answer through a quick internet search (“Is Social Security’s delayed retirement credit compounded?”). But who hasn’t made a similar mistake? Sometimes what we don’t know about money isn’t the problem — it’s what we do know for sure that just isn’t true. (A similar quote is often attributed to Mark Twain, although there seems to be no evidence he ever said or wrote it.)
When I’ve made errors in this column, it’s often because I thought I understood something I didn’t or that my knowledge was up to date when it wasn’t. That’s why it’s so important to double-check our information with authoritative sources.
Thursday’s need-to-know money news
Today’s top story: 5 divorce mistakes that can cost you. Also in the news: How to achieve financial independence without retiring early, consolidated debt and how to do it right, and where to go when you have a travel insurance problem.
5 Divorce Mistakes That Can Cost You
Curb your social media.
How to Achieve Financial Independence Without Retiring Early
A worthwhile goal.
What Is Consolidated Debt and How to Do It Right in 2019
Don’t start charging again.
Where To Go When You Have A Travel Insurance Problem
Being your own best advocate.
Thursday’s need-to-know money news
Today’s top story: The average 401(k) balance by age. Also in the news: Taking the next step with your student loans, 3 money tasks to do right now, and what to do with all the tax documents you’re receiving.
The Average 401(k) Balance by Age
How do you match up?
Take the Next Step With Your Student Loans in 2019
Setting small goals.
3 Money Tasks You Need to Do Right Now
Starting the year off right.
What to Do With All the Tax Documents You’re Getting Right Now
What to keep and what to toss.