Dear Liz: My father passed away in May of last year. In his trust, he intentionally left out one of my four children. The remaining three, who were to inherit a substantial sum, decided to pool their money and share it with their excluded sibling.
My stepmother, who is in charge of his trust, has told other recipients of his largess that she will not be distributing any money to my children. She claims that their decision to give money to their sibling is a violation of my father’s wishes. Can she do this legally and would there be any consequences to her for doing this?
Answer: That depends on the trust’s language. Your father may have granted your stepmother the power to make discretionary distributions, or may have explicitly stated that distributions could be withheld from your children if they planned to share with the disinherited grandchild.
That’s not the norm, however. If the trust requires her to distribute the money and she fails to do so, your children could sue her for breaching her fiduciary duties and ask a court to replace her as trustee, says Jennifer Sawday, an estate planning attorney in Long Beach. If your stepmother’s attorney hasn’t explained this to her already, your kids may need to hire one who will.
The unanswered question: Why did your kids make their plan known, rather than simply waiting close-mouthed until the money was distributed? Perhaps they wanted to make a show of solidarity with their sibling, but the smarter course would have been to keep their intentions under wraps until the money landed in their accounts and was theirs to spend however they saw fit.