Dear Liz: My husband and I were married for 23 years before his passing in 2009. I am now 58 and have been told that I can only receive survivor’s benefits at the age of 60. However, an earlier question from a woman stated she and her son received benefits when her husband passed after 13 years of marriage and she was only 34 at the time. I’m aware that the child would receive benefits as he is a dependent but how did she receive benefits also? I’m confused, should I already be receiving as well?
Answer: Only if you’re caring for your husband’s child and the child is a minor or disabled. Surviving spouses can receive Social Security benefits at any age if they are caring for a child under 16 or a child who was disabled before age 22. Otherwise, survivor benefits can begin at age 60, or at age 50 if the survivor is disabled.
Hi Liz,
I am 61.
Can I receive SS as green card holder if I move back to Germany.