Dear Liz: When informing me of my required minimum distribution for 2022, my brokerage has apparently used a distribution period that differs from the one used in past years. This results in a distribution amount that’s noticeably smaller. I recall there was some talk of revising the IRS tables, but has this been done?
Answer: Yes. The IRS has updated the life expectancy tables used to calculate how much people must withdraw from their retirement accounts to reflect longer lifespans. That’s good news for people who withdraw only the minimums each year, since their required distributions will be smaller and the rest of their balances can continue to grow tax deferred.
Inherited IRA:
On a normal, non-spouse non-child , inherited traditional IRA besides the withdrawal within 10 years rule- didn’t the IRS later clarify that an RMD would be required also?
The IRS clarified that the 10-year rule requires annual distributions.