Q&A: She counted on pandemic rent relief but didn’t qualify. Now what?

Dear Liz: I have a friend in dire financial straits. She has borrowed from her retirement, spends too much and didn’t pay her rent thinking she would get pandemic relief, but she makes too much to qualify for emergency rental assistance. She has mental health issues, which are being addressed by a therapist, but I […]

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Friday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: How one person’s travel credit card benefit saved them over $1000. Also in the news: How to file a complaint against your bank, how to buy the car you loved in high school without losing your shirt, and these states will pay off your student loan debt for moving there. How My […]

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Thursday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: 9 money numbers you need to know. Also in the news: The case for going back to school, how to avoid pet scams, and when to consider an FHA-backed mortgage. 9 Money Numbers You Need to Know Give yourself a quick financial health check-up by seeing where you stand on a handful […]

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Wednesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: What to do if a credit card issuer lowers your credit limit. Also in the news: Paying off credit cards takes money and the right mindset, how to rethink home and travel if your job is now remote, and when to expect that $3600 in child tax credit checks. What to Do […]

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9 money numbers you need to know

Your doctor needs to know certain numbers to judge your physical health, such as your weight, your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels. Similarly, you need to know certain numbers to monitor your own financial health. In my latest for the Associated Press, find out the 9 money numbers you need to know.

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Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Can I deduct Medicare costs on my income tax? Also in the news: Is a personal loan or home equity loan right for your reno, the high price of money shame, and steps to take before you go to a car dealership if your credit score isn’t great. Can I Deduct Medicare […]

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Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: How much car insurance do you really need? Also in the news: As major credit card issuers pull back amid COVID, startups stepped in, reboot your budget to prepare for reopening, and when to expect a refund for your $10,200 unemployment tax break. How Much Car Insurance Do You Really Need? Too […]

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Q&A: Maxing out retirement benefits

Dear Liz: I turn 70 in July. Will I need to wait to start my Social Security benefits until 2022 to receive my full benefit, or can I start them in August 2021? Answer: There’s no need to wait to claim your benefits once they max out at age 70. If you did apply late, […]

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Q&A: Filing taxes after a spouse’s death

Dear Liz: I am writing this email on behalf of my 88-year-old dad. He wanted to ask you this question: “My wife passed away Jan. 7, 2020. In filing my 1040 income tax for 2020, am I allowed to file as a married couple or required to file as a single person?” Answer: Your dad […]

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Q&A: Paying taxes with plastic

Dear Liz: I am selling a rental property that I have owned for several years. I know I could do a 1031 exchange, which would allow me to put off the tax bill by investing in another commercial property. But I just want out. I’ll pay the capital gains tax and invest the rest of […]

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