Book Giveaway: Spring Cleaning Edition.

I’m clearing my shelves of some great personal finance books. Rather than stretch these giveaways out over several weeks, I’m going to be giving away these bundles all at once. All you need to do to enter is to leave a comment on my site specifying which bundle you’re MOST interested in, and which is […]

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When your emergency fund runs out

You’ve cut spending to the bone, sold excess stuff and hustled every side gig imaginable. But your emergency fund, if it ever existed, is on fumes. What you do next may determine how fast — or even whether — you recover from the setback of losing your job. In my latest for the Associated Press, […]

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Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Why it matters the House voted to squash banking reforms. Also in the news: Your new claims inspector might be a drone, how to build an LGBT-friendly investment portfolio, and how to deal with resentment when your friends make more money than you. Why It Matters House Voted to Squash Banking Reforms […]

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Q&A: Why a reverse mortgage might be a good idea for some older homeowners

Dear Liz: I recently retired to a small house I bought 30 years ago. I refinanced four times to get the rate down from 11% to 3.5%. This provided me with a low monthly mortgage (just under $450), but my current 30-year loan won’t be paid off until I’m 92. I’ll be 67 in two […]

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Wednesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: Finances for same-sex couples – what to consider before saying ‘I Do.’ Also in the news: Use caution when giving gift cards for grad gifts, how loved ones can destroy your finances, and what airlines owe you for an overbooked flight. Finances for Same-Sex Couples: 7 Things to Consider Before ‘I Do’ […]

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Money hacks for real people

Everyone loves a hack — an uncommon solution to a common problem. There’s a reason so much of the internet revolves around things like “This One Little Trick” and “The Secret Doctors Don’t Want You to Know.” Sometimes money hacks evolve from details buried in the fine print. Wealthy people employ professionals who seek out […]

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Tuesday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: How to take the heat off your summer budget. Also in the news: How to find out if you’ll owe taxes on an inheritance, 3 things your student loan servicer might not tell you, and what happens to your credit score when you transfer a balance. How to Take the Heat Off […]

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Monday’s need-to-know money news

Today’s top story: How to get a tax deduction for moving. Also in the news: Learning about penny stocks, how to deduct graduate school on your taxes, and how to find and purge unwanted recurring charges. Moving for Work? How to Get a Tax Deduction An unexpected housewarming gift. What Is a Penny Stock? An […]

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Q&A: When generosity becomes a taxing issue

Dear Liz: I recently came into some money, and I would like to share it with my family. I understand that there are annual tax caps on how much you can give to someone ($14,000 per person per year). However, does this limit apply only to cash and cash equivalents or also to any other gifts? […]

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Q&A: How one spouse’s bankruptcy filing affects the other spouse

Dear Liz: If one spouse files for bankruptcy, how does that affect the other spouse? What happens to the joint accounts? Answer: How the nonfiling spouse is affected depends on whether they live in a community-property or a common-law state. Most states are common-law states. Property and debts acquired during marriage can belong to only […]

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