Dear Liz: My husband agreed to serve as successor trustee for his brother’s living trust several years ago. My brother-in-law also added me as a backup. My brother-in-law’s financial situation has gotten very complicated and we would like to be removed as trustees. How do we go about this removal? My husband has asked his brother […]
Recent Blog Posts
Q&A: Bowing out of trustee duty
Q&A: No more windfall elimination provision and government pension offset
Dear Liz: My husband worked for the postal service for over 30 years and retired with a pension. He does not have enough years working in the private sector to qualify for Social Security. Since we now have the Social Security Fairness Act, is he eligible to receive a percentage of my Social Security? I know […]
Q&A: Do retirement accounts affect survivor benefits?
Dear Liz: I was 36 with two young children, ages 6 and 2, when my husband died. We are collecting Social Security survivor benefits. I work only part time since my kids are so young. He left two IRAs: one that named me as a beneficiary and one that didn’t name anyone. I understand I can […]
Q&A: How to handle cash savings of deceased parents
Dear Liz: My mother passed away a little over a year ago, and my father about 18 months prior to her. I discovered that my parents saved up quite a lot of cash (in the six figures), and I’m afraid to deposit it without triggering the IRS. My parents routinely saved anywhere from $5,000 to […]
Q&A: Spouse gets the larger of two Social Security benefits, not both
Dear Liz: Your recent column on the divorced couple where the ex-wife can apply for Social Security benefits has me wondering about my own benefits. I’m 60 and my husband is 79. Can I get his Social Security benefits, and if so, when should I apply? I am working and have worked all my adult […]
Q&A: Reverse mortgages can be a boon, but come with potential risks
Dear Liz: Please write about the issues people can face when they have a reverse mortgage and need to move out to get long-term care. My mother, who is now 94 and lives on a small teacher’s pension, got a reverse mortgage in her late 60s to donate to charity because she was sure she […]