Dear Liz: My husband and I are in our 80s, living in a retirement community. Our investment account is valued at $550,000. This has to see us through till we die. We have no pension, no other assets. Social Security provides $2,760 a month and we are in the lowest tax bracket. Our financial advisor is […]
Recent Blog Posts
Q&A: When an inherited house gets sold, it pays to know the tax rules
Dear Liz: My sister and I inherited a house from our mom in 2003. Back then, it was appraised at close to $500,000. It’s now worth $1.3 million and we want to sell and split the profits. My sister has lived in the house since Mom passed. Approximately what would the tax liability be? Answer: You’ll determine […]
Q&A: A husband dies young, a widow wonders: What are my survivor benefits?
Dear Liz: My question relates to survivor benefits. How much does the surviving spouse receive in Social Security benefits if the higher-earning spouse dies at 59, before he ever became eligible? He worked for 40-plus years and met all the requirements except not reaching the minimum age. I plan to wait until next year when I’m […]
This week’s money news
This week’s top story: Weekly mortgage rates dip, home price gains soften. In other news: New digital nomads on the block: families, why you should consider train travel in Europe, and 3 steps to take after transferring a balance to a new credit card. Weekly Mortgage Rates Dip, Home Price Gains Soften The drop brings the […]
Q&A: My parents cut my kid out of their will. (Ouch!) Can I give her some cash?
Dear Liz: My parents wrote my youngest daughter out of their will (my other children were left in). As both parents are now gone, I am in the process of settling the estate. I feel horrible that my parents did this. My daughter is very upset with me and her siblings for not sharing the inheritance. […]
Q&A: Is getting old reason enough to cancel some credit cards?
Dear Liz: Recently, someone asked if closing a credit card would be worth the hassle and you responded that there is no compelling reason to do so and in fact, it might hurt your credit scores. As an older person, I can think of two good reasons: theft and fraud. Many of us of a certain […]